Simple practices to help you explore themes of each week in Advent
For the week of December 3rd
Disrupt Advent: make a surprising or ugly Advent wreath with household items. Incorporate the traditional theme words: hope, peace, joy, love. What does this wreath say for you about the meaning of Advent this year?
For the week of December 10th
Fill a piece of paper by writing the name “Immanuel, God with us.” How is Jesus “God with us” for you this year? Draw, doodle, or illustrate around these words as a form of prayer or meditation, or reflect in writing, describing what these words mean to you.
For the week of December 17th
Make rejoicing your spiritual discipline this week. Write the word “rejoice” on your to-do list each day; be creative, let go, and have fun. Joy does not need to erase struggle or grief, but stands alongside. Use 1 Thessalonians 5:16–19 as a prayer focus.
In preparation for Christmas Eve
Find an image of Mary that speaks to you. Sit in prayer with this image, gazing with deep attention. Notice every detail. Move away to see at a distance, then close up. Become absorbed by what you see. What do you notice about Mary? What does God invite you to see about yourself?
For the week following Christmas
“To you, a child is born!” Schedule some time on your calendar this week to experience awe and wonder. Take a beautiful walk, sit still in a peaceful spot, take a drive down a scenic road, or find some other way to be intentionally amazed at the glory of God, incarnate among us.