While the acute phase of the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, the challenges faced by many in our Greater Nashville community persist. Financial hardships continue to impact individuals and families, making it difficult to cover essential expenses like housing, food, and healthcare. 

Recognizing the ongoing needs of our neighbors, Hillsboro Presbyterian Church established the Good Neighbor Grant back in the fall of 2020. This grant provides financial assistance to help alleviate some of the burdens faced by those experiencing financial difficulties.

Our commitment to being a good neighbor remains steadfast. Through the Good Neighbor Grant, we aim to offer a helping hand to those in need and contribute to a stronger, more resilient community.

Click here if you would like to make a donation to help fund and sustain the Good Neighbor Grant

Nominate Someone Today

The Good Neighbor Grant is given out every week to a resident of the Greater Nashville community.  Anyone can nominate and anyone within Greater Nashville is eligible to receive this grant.  Complete grant eligibility guidelines and policies can be found on the nomination page.