Gratitude is an amazing thing.  When we live in it we have the ability to make more selfless decisions, we're happier, and it helps us connect to a shared humanity.  We're setting aside the month of November as a Season of Gratitude.  Each week in worship, online and in our church events we'll be offering new ways to engage this sense of gratitude.  We're excited for you to join us on this journey.  

Check back on this page each week for new ways to engage in this season.

Week 2: My 2020 Pledge

An annual budget for a church is a statement of faith.  These budgets detail what a church values and how it wants to do ministry.  The same can be said for our personal budgets.  

We're asking for all of our partners in ministry to think about your 2020 commitment to our shared ministry here at HPC.  Download your card home, fill it out & bring it back on Sunday, November 24th at our Thanksgiving Breakfast.  We'll have envelopes you can put it in as we place our pledges on the communion table during worship. 

If you can't make it to the Thanksgiving Breakfast you are welcome to mail your pledge to the church or drop it by the office.

Click here to download your pledge card

Week 1: 

Sharing Your Best Things

Whether your life feels like it's going perfectly or whether you feel like you're in the pit we could all stand to share a little gratitude.  

We've setup a voicemail box for you to share the best things that have happened in your life recently.  Multiple times throughout the month we'll assemble these "best things" and share them with you so we can share with each other

Here's what you do...

Call the church number 615-665-0148 and then press the number 5 in the first or second menu (either one works).  You'll be directed to the voicemail box where you can share your "best thing" with us.  Please keep your messages short.  10 to 15 second messages are best.

Did You Know?

Hillsboro Presbyterian now offers online giving.  You can set up one-time or recurring donations by using your check card, credit card or bank account.  It's an easy way to take the hassle out of supporting our community of faith.  We're building a more inclusive community here in Nashville and we're excited for your participation.  Click the like below to head over to our donations page for more info