To keep you connected to the HPC community during the COVID-19 outbreak, our leaders will be hosting a daily video group at 8am and 8pm. Each session will include an encouragement from one of our leaders, time to pray and to connect.*

4/1 Update | The Eights will meet only on weekdays

|| LAUNCH MORNING GROUP // 8AM ||                    || LAUNCH EVENING GROUP // 8PM ||

Meeting ID: 318 178 431                                           Meeting ID: 888 014 737

Zoom passcode for both groups is 88888888  

Basically it's eight 8s

* The Eights uses the online meeting tool Zoom.  For info on how to use Zoom see the How To Attend section in the Town Hall page here.  Once you've installed the app you can use the links on this page or dial in and enter the Meeting ID to attend.