Oct 27th 10:30am

Download the Waypoint Prep Guide

Our Fall sermon series has been exploring What Disciples Do.  We've been asked to consider where God might be calling us.  Ask yourself....

  • What's taking up space in your head?
  • Where are you directing your resources?
  • Where are you investing your time?

In worship on Sunday, October 27th you'll have a chance to mark the waypoint where God is calling you.  We're planning a special service where we will set aside time to meditate on what God has in store for us over the 6 months.   I'd love to see you there. 


Between now and then here are a couple of things you can do to prepare. 

  1. Take an honest look at the things fighting for your attention.  Click here to download a worksheet that helps you do this.  We handed this out on the first Sunday of the series.
  2. Take a hard look at how you direct your resources.  Yes, this includes your finances, but it also includes your time and energy.  Are you investing in the things that you say value?  Are you investing in God's Kingdom?


We're trying to close the gap between

our stated values and our lived values.